5 Ways to Grow the Worship Team

Whether you’re struggling to fill a single worship band or you manage multiple teams, growing the worship team is an integral part of ministry. Here are five ways you can grow the team and department.

1. Communicate the need

Not long ago, I was talking to Heidi, a long-time church member who casually mentioned she played guitar. I asked if she’d be interested in playing on the team, to which she responded, “I’d be delighted”.

Because I attend a small church, I’ve known this woman for years. We’ve had countless conversations and never once did she mention she was a musician. When I asked her why she had never said anything, her answer was simply, “You seem so comfortable leading I just figured you didn’t need any more help.” 

While I’m glad she hasn’t noticed my struggle, I realized I may not be getting the help I long for because I haven’t verbalized my need. Can I lead worship with the team I have? Sure! But I want people with the heart and ability to serve with me. Plus, more team members means more shoulders to share the load from which everyone on the team benefits.

2. Extend the invitation

Announcing the need is one thing but inviting people personally is another. A public announcement might gather a few brave souls, but there’s nothing like a personal invitation to help a bedroom musician summon the courage to try out for the team. Knowing who to invite requires awareness and intention.

We must be aware of the worshippers that might be hiding in the shadows and be intentional about reaching out to them. The only way I learned about Heidi’s musical aspirations was by inviting her daughter (who I knew as a talented and expressive singer) to sing with me. It wasn’t the first time I had mentioned it to her, but this time I wasn’t just asking if she was interested, I was letting her know that I wanted her to join me. It’s a subtle but powerful difference. We all want to feel wanted and invited into something bigger than ourselves.

3. Build something worth joining

We need to be mindful of what we are inviting people into. Many things make music ministry attractive. It draws those who want to create beauty, express hearts through music, and be part of something greater than themselves. Our worship teams should have these qualities:

  • Good music attracts good musicians–do we sound good? 
  • Everyone wants to play with passion–is our team engaged in the worship we are leading others in?
  • The team is important–does our team culture create of sense of place and ministry for those who are a part?

The ministry we build will have a direct impact on those who want to join it.

4. Provide a path to confidence

Playing music with other people can be daunting. Playing in front of a room full of people can be downright scary.

Confidence is the key, both for a new worship team member to enjoy leading and for the team to enjoy leading with their new teammate. If they are stumbling through chord charts, playing tentatively, or taking on parts that are beyond their ability to master, they will quickly become discouraged. Give them tools that help them be successful.

I started Worship Artistry (a song tutorial platform) because I wanted to remove that sense of unease and give every musician on the worship team everything they need to thrive musically, whatever their skill level. When we are confident in the parts we need to play, we can take our eyes off the page and our instrument and set them on the One we are worshiping. 

5. Be prayerful

Remember, the Holy Spirit does all the work we can’t. He gives us the humility to ask for help, that awareness to notice people in our congregation that may be looking to grow in music ministry. He inspires us to create beauty and empowers us to grow in our gifting. He even inspires the hearts of others to want to minister.

It’s okay to ask for what we need! We may be shocked at the way God provides.

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