Establishing Connection Through Streaming


Connection. Connection could be the single most universal desire we have as individuals. To connect with others in relationships and in community. One of the ways we find deep and meaningful connections is through our shared faith and the communities that gather to grow in that faith together.

It’s been said that the church is not a building, it’s the people. The building serves as a place for people to come together and be part of a community. If a building is not the church, rather the people, the same could be said about gathering online. An online worship service is about the people, not the device you view it on.

The reality is, streaming a church service is a great way to keep people who are already in some way connected, connected. Whether congregants are unwell, out of town, or can’t make it to an in-person gathering, a streamed or on-demand service has become a valued option for people to stay connected. In addition, it also presents an opportunity for new people to connect.

Understanding that streaming can be a little daunting, we’re here to help. We’ve gathered resources and information from reputable experts. We hope you find inspirational, practical, and useful information to help your community. Because the more intentional and inclusive we are, the more meaningful our connections are.