Playing Hymns in Worship w/ Shane & Shane

With so many new worship songs and top hits being released every week, many churches are playing hymns and more traditional worship songs less and less. Shane & Shane sat down with Matt McCoy to discuss the importance of playing hymns and singing scripture in church.

It’s not about us!

It can be tempting as a worship leader when building a setlist for Sunday to just pick songs that we like. But is this really what is best for our church?

Shane B: “The best advice I can give is it’s not about us. It has nothing to do with you. Take into account who is coming. Do a diagnostic of your congregation and choose songs largely based on your family. If your church is all young families and younger people, then there may be a lot more freedom to play the top worship hits. Worship teams and worship leaders might be on Spotify all day long listening to the newest songs, but our congregations aren’t there. You can introduce a new song slowly and gently, but we want the word of Christ to dwell richly. We don’t care if we get the people to like this song or have an emotional moment a song can create. We’re servants of Jesus and servants of people. It’s freeing to know it’s not about my preference, but serving these folks the best I can.”

Matt: “I love telling worship leaders to love the people more than the music. You’re there to lead people, not have your own personal performance or worship experience. Play songs that really bless your congregation.”

To hear more about the importance of playing hymns in worship, and hear Shane & Shane’s tips on discipling your worship team, watch the full interview below!

Be sure to listen to Shane and Shane’s latest music wherever you stream music. Chord charts are available on SongSelect and the tracks are available on