How to Legally Stream Services When Using Tracks
You most likely already know that you need a CCLI license to sing songs at church and display lyrics. But what about if you’re using multitracks in your services and streaming them online? With more and more churches streaming their services online, it’s important to make sure you have the proper licenses in place. Nate... View Article
Transmisión en vivo desde la iglesia: cómo transmitir en vivo videos sobre culto
Cada día, las instituciones religiosas como iglesias, sinagogas y mezquitas de todo el mundo apoyan e inspiran a sus comunidades. Pero en el mundo actual, llegar a los feligreses nuevos y a los ya existentes puede ser un gran reto. Por eso, la transmisión en vivo, ya sea para servicios religiosos, ceremonias o eventos, ofrece... View Article
Church live streaming: how to live stream for worship
Every day, houses of worship like churches, synagogues, and mosques around the world lift up and inspire their communities. But in today’s world, reaching new and existing congregants can be a big challenge. That’s why live streaming — whether for church services, ceremonies, or events — offers a solution. Live streaming is forecast to become... View Article