Raising Up The Next Generation Of Worship Songwriters

“Sing a New Song,” scripture repeatedly instructs. Perhaps it is because we are born to grow from faith to faith (Rom 1:17), glory to glory, (2 Cor 3:18) and strength to strength; (Ps 84:7) and song is one of the smartest all-purpose tools for the journey.
Song helps trump our circumstances with a current hallelujah. Song is a tool that enables the right response at the right time. In the moment of challenge, when flight or fight reactions rise, we don’t always have the presence of mind to remember where we left our Bible. Praise Jesus, for the presence of His Holy Spirit who calls to memory God’s Word (Jn 14:26).
With that said, The Holy Spirit can only call to memory what actually resides in memory! The Holy Spirit is our Helper. But God asks us to bind the Word on our hearts (Prov 6:21). We should make sure we are not asking God to do what He has asked us to do! Then the command to sing a new song begins to make sense. Via the tool of music, we can easily digest the right response in advance of the need. With the powerful aid of meter, rhyme, and melody we can assimilate a continual influx of the right information; The Word of God – “living, active, sharper than any two-edged sword, dividing between soul and spirit, joint and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” Heb 4:12 .
When I craft scripture into song, Truth becomes part of who I am. I become sharp. The Holy Spirit is able to make a withdrawal when I need it most, and out comes a new song in the night full of overcoming, double-edged-sword power! And I grow again. Over time, rich with the indwelling Word, a muscle is developed for creating song in the moment and we grow into unstoppable, joy-filled, overcoming giants with mouthfuls of pre-existing “It Is Finished” victory.
My desire to invest in the lives of songwriters has never changed and has only increased. It burns hotter with each passing day.
I will write songs that will impact my sphere of influence. However, if I will also be purposeful in sowing skill into others, the multiplication effect of the gospel through God’s people and songs could be exponential. I can’t think of anything more important than raising up the next generation of worship songwriters; servants who will write to fill the lips of God’s Children with the Word and awesome high praises of God (Ps 149)!
The Emerging Sound, is a non-profit 501c3 dedicated to making disciples through music. What began in Texas, as a summer songwriting intensive for teens, has now steadily blossomed. Additionally, an internship program for college-aged and career has been formalized.
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